Thursday 9 October 2014

Target audience results - Miss Miller

1. Why do you like the dance music genre?

2. What do you think of Sub Focus as an artist?

3. What conventions do you like to see in a music video?

4. Would you rather a conventional or diverse music video and why?

5.  What is favourite music video in the dance genre and why?

6.  What don't you like to see in dance music videos and why?

7. Do you like to see the artist featured in music videos and why?

8. Who is your favourite dance artist?
A. Chase and Status  B. Sub Focus  C. Rudimental  D. Other

9. What style of music video do you prefer?
A. Narrative  B. Performance  C. Concept

10. How old are you?
A. 12 - 15  B. 16 - 19  C. 20 - 25  D. 26+

As a group we had to carry out research into our target audience. We had to make up a questionnaire of ten questions including seven open questions and three closed questions. We then had put this questionnaire forward to 40 people. We asked 40 people as we thought this would give us a wide variety of answers, this would make our feedback accurate and precise. We will use the results that we have created to develop our music video as it will allow us to see what our target audience want to see within the music genre. Futhermore our results will help us decide whether a narrative, concept or  performance type video is most relevant.

Why do you like the dance music genre?

The response we got from this question was quite split between other, the bright lighting and feel good factor. From this it is clear that a lot of our target audience are attracted to the dance genre due to bright lighting and the feel good factor. Therefore we are going to try to include both of these in our music video as much as we can. For the feel good factor we will include a happy artist to go hand in hand with the song when it drops. We are also going to be including a lot of strobe lighting effects which we can hopefully enhance through editing. 

What do you thing of Sub Focus as an artist?

The results from this question were very conclusive, as a large 40% of the target audience said that they think Sub Focus are a good artist. This helps us as we can see that our target audience are happy with the artist that we have chosen. This means that they will be happy with the song that we have chosen, which will help in creating a connection between the music video and the target audience.

What conventions do you like to see?

The results from this question have given us a good idea of what conventions our target audience like to see in the dance genre. With a large 30% of people saying that they like to see the club setting as a convention in dance music videos, we are going to try to include a club setting within our music video. We also feel that this will make our video conventional, and that this will therefore appeal to our target audience as they like to see conventional videos. 

Would you rather a conventional or diverse music video and why?

The results from this question were that the majority preferred to have a conventional music video compared to a diverse one. 45% of our target audience said that they preferred a conventional music video, with many of them suggesting that it is easier to relate to a conventional music video. This means that we are definitely going to make our music video as conventional as possible by including flashing lights, a club setting etc. Furthermore we feel that in creating a conventional music video, we will be able to go along with Goodwins theory more easily. 

What is your favourite music video within the dance genre and why?

The results for this question was split between Rudimental - Waiting all night (30%) and Calvin Haaris - Bounce (25%). This tells us that our target audience prefer the more mainstream music videos produced from the better known artists, compared to redlight who are less well know. This response is encouraging for us as the artist who we are basing our music around is one of the better known dance artists, which will mean the target audience will be able to create a relationship with them. 

What don't you like to see in a dance music video and why?

We asked our target audience what they don't like to see in the dance genre, giving them the option of drug use, violence and a depressing narrative. Although a large 53% of them said that there were "other" themes they did not like to see in a dance music video, 34% of them said they did not like seeing a depressing narrative or violence. This tells us as a group that we should keep our music video conventional and not attempt to be diverse or controversial. 

Do you like to see the artist featured within the music video and why?

42% of the people we asked said that they like to see the artist in the music video, many of them gave reasons such as it helps them connect with the music video more and they like to see their icons involved in the music video. This is encouraging for us as we have planned to include the artist in the music video. We also feel that by including the artist, the video gains its own identity, making it stand out from other music videos. 

Who is your favourite dance artist?

When asking our target audience who there favourite dance artist was, 40% of them said that Sub Focus was their favourite, compared with 20% for Chase and Status and 10% for Rudimental. The reason for such large popularity for Sub Focus could be because of their reputation withing the dance genre compared to the other artists. Again this response is encouraging for us as a group as we have chose to use a Sub Focus song in our music video, and it will help us that our target audience are fans of them as they will be able to relate with the video more. 

What style of music video do you prefer?

The response from this question was that 45% of people preferred a performance style video, closely followed by narrative with 40%. From these results we can see that the target audience will want to see a lot of performing such as dancing in dance music videos. This will also make a music video conventional. However, surprisingly, 40% of our target audience said that they prefer a narrative style music video, which goes against the conventions of the dance genre. As a result of these responses we are going to try to develop a narrative/performance style video.            

Subcultures and our results:

The subculture theory that mostly applies to us is CCCS, which assumes that all subcultures come from one culture and this is a reaction to the mainstream. This is most appropriate for us as it is often thought that people involved in the dance genre such as "ravers" are going against the mainstream. The results from our questionnaire support this as many of the responses were that they want to see conventional features. This suggests that they are complying to the dance genre, which therefore means they rebel against the mainstream as the dance genre is seen as being diverse. 

Vox Pops:

Aswell as asking our questionnaire to 40 people from our target audience we also had to film 5 of them in our vox pops. We had to do this to give proof that we asked our questions to people from our target audience. The vox pops allowed us to collect qualative data as we could record the responses and see what our target audience responded to the open questions. This will help us when it comes to creating our music video.


1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, and how you will incorporate them within your video. However, you need to elaborate on some of your analyses

    You need to:
    1) Try and give specific examples of what within your music video because of your results
    2) Include all of your vox pops - missing 1
    3) Elaborate on your paragraph of subculture theory by explaining how you will incorporate it within your video
    4) Summary on how the questionnaire was helpful etc.
