Wednesday 17 December 2014

Group magazine advert - Miss Miller

My magazine advert:

Cara's magazine advert:

Beau's magazine advert:

Group magazine advert:

As a group we all looked at each of our individual magazine adverts. We then discussed what we thought was good about each one and what we thought could be improved on each one. After this we came to a group decision about what magazine advert we thought was overall strongest and we decided that this was Beau's advert which is the third advert down. Next we had to take the weak points of this magazine advert and try to make them as strong as possible by using mine and Cara's magazine adverts. This meant that we changed the main image on Beaus advert and replaced it with the mirror image used on my advert and also adding an edit to it that Cara created on one of her draft magazine adverts.

We kept the black background that was featured in Beau's magazine advert and also used in my one. We thought this was the best colour to use for the background as it allows the rest of the information on the advert to stand out much more. This means that it is more likely to attract the eye of the target audience. We also used this as oppose to Cara's multi-coloured background as we thought that using a variety of different colours in the background caused the advert to become overcrowded. For the pattern at the bottom of our magazine advert we decided to use the colours bright pink and bright blue. As a group we thought that these colours went well against the dark background and also enabled the magazine advert to stand out and catch the eye of the consumer. Furthermore the use of the colours blue and pink keep a consistency between the groups digipak and the magazine advert. This allows the consumer to relate these colours with our artist making him more recognisable.

Conventions of genre:
I believe that the magazine advert that we have created as a group conforms to the conventions of the dance genre in a variety of ways. The colours that we have chosen represent the dance genre very well in my opinion. They are bright and edgy, both of these a things that come to mind when you think of the dance genre. Furthermore the colours are often used in strobe lighting in clubs, which again are heavily related to the dance genre. Therefore the use of these colours will make the audience think of the dance genre and they will be able to identify the magazine advert as being from the dance genre. I also believe the name of the album makes the advert conventional to the genre. The name "Euphoria" connotes a feeling of happiness and joy and I also believe that it matches the conventions of the genre very well. I also believe the name will attract fans of the dance genre as it is clear that the album is from the dance genre.

I believe that the images that we have chosen in our magazine advert are very effective. I think the picture of our artist attracts the target audience very well as the artist appears to be powerful making him appeal to the target audience. Furthermore the artist is looking directly down the camera, this allows the target audience to create a relationship with the character. I think the black and white edit that we have used on the image works very well as it portrays our artist as being original and the edit also makes the image stand out and catch the eye. The other image that we have used in our magazine advert is the blue and pink cloud of smoke at the bottom of the page. This image works well with the dance genre as it is bright and edgy which are both related to the dance genre. Furthermore the cloud of smoke helps represent the artist as being more powerful as he seems almost majestic.

Layout and design:
The layout and design was important for our magazine advert. We decided to put the artist name at the bottom of the page where the cloud of smoke is as we thought the two worked well together. I also believe placing the two together helps draw the target audiences eye to the artist name. We also decided to use the mirror layout out by placing both images opposite eachother, much like they are in my original magazine advert. We thought this worked well as it makes the advert symmetrical and gives the impression of "seeing double" much like you would if you was in a dance environment and drinking alcohol.

In terms of the typography for our magazine advert we made it standing out as a priority. Having this in mind, we decided to make all of our font in capital letters. This make the writing more bold and therefore attracts the consumers eye. The first I used was for the name of the album. As you can see it is much larger than the other font as we wanted to make the name of the album stand out the most as the whole idea of the advert is to promote the album. I feel that the font used for the album name is appropriate as it looks powerful and superior.  For the name of our artist we used an edgy font as we thought that it goes well with the name of my artist "DJ Sonic". The font also is conventional of the dance genre as it looks very futuristic and electronic which are both elements of dance.

We kept the amount of language on our magazine advert as minimal as possible because we did not want to overcrowd it with information as we thought it could deter the consumer. So we decided to include only the artist name, album name and information about when the album is released and what song is included on it. We thought this was the only important information that the consumer needed to know.

Caras strengths: 
We thought that overall Cara's magazine advert was probably the best as it really catches the target audiences eye as it is brightest and stands out most. We also thought that the use of clocks worked really well with the name of the song on the album "Turn Back Time". However it was hard to incorporate any of her ideas as we thought the advert was least conventional to the dance genre and it was important that we had a magazine advert that conformed to the conventions of the genre.

Beaus strengths:
The strengths in Beaus advert was the cloud of smoke at the bottom of the image. We felt that this image worked really well with the dance genre and helped attract the target audience as it is bright and therefore stands out. We also thought that his layout was most effective as it looked least cluttered. The weaknesses in Beaus advert were in his main image. We felt that the image of the artist was too dull and did not project him in the light we wanted to. 

To conclude, I believe that as a group we have created a very effective magazine advert. I feel that each member of the group contributed good ideas to make the advert stand out. I also believe that the advert conforms to the conventions of the dance genre in a variety of ways. This helps our magazine advert appeal to the target audience as they will be able to see that it clearly comes from the dance genre. I found that we worked as a group really well as we all listened to eachothers ideas and took the criticism to our own adverts really well. This meant we was able to create a good group advert.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your group advert, explaining clearly how the different elements used appeal to you TA etc and follows genre conventions

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you state specifically what elements you took from each group member’s advert and why
    2) Elaborate on some of your explanations by mentioning connotations of images etc.
