Sunday 28 September 2014

Applying for music copyright - Miss Georgiou.

The copyright act of 1988 is the current law in place which gives the creators of the material the right to control how their music is being used. If someone would like to use the video or broadcast it they would need permission from the creator. The copyright law which applies to the majority of creations within the entertainment industry such as sound recordings, films, musical work and artistic work (as well as many others) is officially known as the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Copyright means that a company or person who owns a recording or song has the ownership of its content, meaning not just anyone can use it. This stops the recording being used for things that the owner doesn't agree with, and helps them to protect their own work. 

We have applied for the right to use the song to the record label of Sub Focus. It was important that we asked for their permission to use the song because it means that we will be legally within our rights. This also means that we will be able to post our music video onto YouTube. In asking for the right to use their song we had to research the artist in order to find out their record label, then we had to research the record label to find out their email address. Next we got one of the members of the group to write an email asking for their permission to use the song in our music video. We are currently still waiting for a response from the record label..

As of 17 Novermber 2014 we are still waiting for a response from the record label, however my group and I are continuing to plan and create our music video for sub focus. This is understandable as the record label is likely to be very busy.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why it is essential to apply for music copyright, before continuing to create your music video. Aim to explore the purpose of music copyright in further detail.

    Include your response from your record label, once you have received it.
