Thursday 6 November 2014

Planning magazine advert - Miss Miller.

A magazine advert plays a vital role in the promotional campaign for an album. Creating a magazine advert allows an artist to get their album out to the fans, this makes them more aware of the product and there is more chance that they will purchase it. Furthermore a magazine advert allows the target audience to gain an insight into what may be included in the album such as songs and special features, this will create hype surrounding the album which is benifical for the artist. I will be creating a magazine advert for Sub Focus' album to make the target audience aware of the album. Planning is essential when it comes to making this magazine advert because I need to know what needs to be included on the advert to make it effective in targeting the audience.

The colours that I have chosen to include in my magazine advert are bright, these include orange, yellow and pink. I have chose these colours as they are bright and make the advert stand out, this will attract the audience as it is eye catching. Furthermore the bright and edgy colours represent the target audience and genre of the album and also look like strobe lights which are heavily related to the dance genre. This is likely to therefore persuade the target audience into buying the album as they can see that it is directly aimed towards them. This also means that the magazine advert is related to the dance genre, which will make it more effective in appealing to the target audience. The magazine advert is therefore conventional to the dance genre, which is good as the album is a very conventuional album.

There are minimal images on the magazine advert I have created. I researched the dance genre and found that there were not a lot of images on the adverts. As a result of this I decided to include minimal images in my advert. This meant that my advert was conventional to the dance genre and would therefore attract the eye of dance fans as they can see that it belongs to the dance genre. However I did include one small image of a clock next to the single name "Turn Back Time". I did this as it is a symbolises the song, this is somethong that will appeal to the target audience.

The layout for an advert is important in order to catch the eye. It is important that the advert is not cluttered with information as it could put someone off reading it. I decided to layout my main title "Sub Focus" at the bottom of the advert. I felt that this was the best position for the artists name as it allows space on the rest of the advert for the rest of the information. I also feel that placing the title at the bottom makes it clear to see for the readers and also does not interfere with the main images on the magazine advert. By not cluttering my advertisement with images of the artist it means that the advert conforms to the dance genre; keeping the design and layout simple yet bold. Furthermore through placing minimal images on my advert it means there is more room for other important information that will make the audience purchase the product, such as the album release date. 

The typography used in a magazine advert is also important. The typography helps catch the eye of the target audience and also can represent the artist themselves. I have chosen a bold and original typography in my magazine advert, as I feel it stands out well and therefore will attract the target audience to read the advert and therefore the chances of them purchasing the album is increased. I have also chosen this typography as I feel it reflects the artist "sub focus" well as they are very bold and original in the sense that they are conventional to the dance genre. The typography in the advert I have created is also all capital letters, again this makes the writing bold and therefore it is more likely to attract someones eye.  The album name "Turn Back Time" on the advertisement are in capital letters to symbolize the importance of the information, this is emphasized by the bold text  which makes it stand out even more. The use of bold typography implies that the music on the album is also very bold, which is stereotypical of the house genre, the music is very upbeat and exciting which mirrors the layout, design and colours used on the advert. 

The language used in a magazine advert is vital in persuading the audience to purchase the product itself. I kept the writing limited on my advert as I didn't want to overcrowd it as I felt it could deter an audience. However I included the phrase "number one album" and "number one single", as I felt it was important to inform the audience how well the album did in this charts. I believe this will mean they are more likely to purchase the album as they can see how good it is. The artists name in this advert is included as "Sub Focus" which informs the audience who the product is by and will urge them to buy it. In my actual magazine advert I will be changing the artists name to a name that me and my group have come up with. I decided not to include a personal message to the artists fans on this magazine advert. I made this decision as I believe that it keeps the advert conventional to the dance genre as you don't usually see dance artists communicating with their audience. Furthermore it keeps my artist mysterious, which will urge that audience to want to find out more about him and therefore purchase his product. 

The connotations of the magazine advert I created is that the album is going to be lively, upbeat and make people feel good. These connotations are made from the use of a variety of bright colours which boldly connotes the nature of the album, This is likely to persuade a consumer to purchase the product as they can see that the album is likely to make them feel good. It would also specifically appeal to the eye of dance genre fans as the bright colours connote that it is from the dance genre.  There is also a spectrum of light on the magazine advert, this connotes that the artist is very dynamic and versatile. This will appeal to the target audience as these are desirable qualities, and make them want to purchase the album. Further connotations that come from the advert are that the artist and his music is powerful, this can be seen by the use of the colour black and the bold typography, this conforms the dance genre as the target audience are more interested with the music than the artist. 

To conclude, the research i took into a magazine advert was very helpful as it enabled me to see how artists appeal to their target audience and get there albums out there. This has helped me in creating my own magazine advert. I feel that the magazine advert that I have created is very successful in appealing to the target audience. The use of bright colouring makes the advert very conventional to the dance genre which means it will appeal to fans of the genre. I also feel that the minimal amount of images that I have used makes the advert conventional to the genre as you don't see dance artists cluttering their work with images. This also creates a mysterious image surrounding the artist, making the target audience want to find out more about him.


  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your plan, explaining why you have chosen some elements to use within your advert.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you state whether you will include a personal message/acknowledgment from the artist and why
    2) Make sure you explain all the connotations fully (don't just say there are various connotations - give examples of what they could be!)
    3) Elaborate on some of your points by explaining how you want elements used to represent and promote the artist - elaborate on connotations - bright colours also link with strobe lighting etc.
    4) Remember your artist's name will be different to the artist you are copying! - say that this will be different for your actual advert and you have used this as an example
    5) Elaborate on your conclusion by stating how you feel this will appeal to your target audience and how it is conventional or not of the genre

  2. You have provided a sound analysis of your advert, explaining why you have incorporated certain elements, and what your aim is with them. You have mentioned how you think this appeals to your TA briefly, as well as highlighting some of the connotations of elements used. You still need to elaborate on some of your points by thinking about why else the TA may be interested in this advert, as well as how it conforms/challenges the genre specifically
