Wednesday 12 November 2014

Music video storyboards - Miss Georgiou

A storyboard is a graphic illustrator that organises the sequences of images within a video or film. The purpose of a storyboard is to organise which scene will be put where and the duration of the scene. It also allows us to plan what we will be including in that specific shot and what characters will be used. We used our primary research from questionaires and pie charts to help plan what we want to include in our music video. We did this by taking into account our target audiences feedback on subjects like where we should set the video and what props we should include. We also used secondary research that we carried out, for example we watched many other music videos from our genre and analysed what we thought worked well and we tried to incorporate it into our music video. This helped us a lot as we was able to see how a real music artist enticed their target audience.

As a group we all sat down and discussed the order of our music video. Then we put each shot into a storyboard and decided how long the shot should be taken for, what props would be included in the shot and what characters would be in the shot. We then drew up illustrations of what we hoped the scene would look like in that shot to help us when it came to filming each shot. We shared the responsibility as each member of the group was allocated a job, for example Beau's job was to draw the scene, Cara decided the duration of the shot and I decided what props and characters would be in each shot.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why storyboards are essential to consider within a production.

    Aim to refer back to the research that you carried out in further detail, by referring to examples to show why you decided on storyboarding your music video in a specific way.

    Also aim to include a summary to explain to explain if you followed your storyboards or made changes.
