Sunday 23 November 2014

Initial group planning ideas - Miss Georgiou

The members in our group are myself, Beau Abery and Cara Gaffney. In our first meeting we discussed the initial ideas for our music video. We discussed what music genre we would be using in our music video, which we narrowed down to do, indie and dance. We decided to use the dance genre as we thought we could use the conventions of dance much better than the conventions of indie. Then we had to decide what artist from the dance genre we wanted to use, at first we decided red-light and their song 9ts baby. But after careful consideration and researching the lyrics we decided that there were not enough lyrics in this song. So instead we chose the artist sub focus and their song turn back time. We felt this song was best as the lyrics could be portrayed easily through visuals, therefore we could create the narrative aspect of the music video. This song also had a good fast beat therefore we could use fast editing to make it conventional to the dance genre. We also discussed the type of music video we wanted to create and we was stuck between narrative and performance. As a group we decided that we wanted to try to incorporate both a narrative aspect and a performance aspect into our music video.

On an A3 piece of paper we all put down ideas for our music video. These included, song choices, artists and music genres. This will help us as a group as we can see all the ideas that we have come up with and we can then  make a decision about which is best. Some of the ideas we came up with on our A3 piece of paper was; the indie genre and Oasis, Arctic monkeys, the dance genre and Redlight and Example. As a group we then evaluated all of our choices looking carefully at what we could do with each genre and song. I feel that using an A3 piece of paper to put down all of our ideas overall helped us a lot as a group.

In our next meeting we will be discussing applying for a music copyright, research into the music genre and the outline of our music video. This meeting will be important as it is vital that we get permission from our record label to use their song in our video. Furthermore we need to ensure that all group members are aware with the outline of our music video.

Group meetings and discussions:

We also did individual research into our chosen music genre and each gave feedback of what we found. This meant that each member of the group would research the genre and artist by watching music videos and analysing them. We then gave feedback about what we had discovered. This was helpful for the group as we each had our own individual ideas about what we could do with the song and genre, and we all contributed them together.

The feedback we all got was all put together and as a group we decided we wanted to the following outline for our music video.

  • A male and female characters.
  • Both characters had made choices they had regretted and wanted to turn back time.
  • The video would then follow a narrative of how they regret decisions the have made.
  • There is also a performance part when our artist is on stage performing in  a club.
After this we decided to storyboard what we had come up with. This meant planning what camera shot we would be using in each shot, the duration of the shot, the editing included and the characters and props used in the shot. This was helpful for us as when it comes to filming we can see the whole outline of the video with illustrations and instructions of what to include.

Group meetings:
It is important that as a group we keep up with the group meeting schedule. It is important that we this as it will allow us to develop our music video ideas and have a good final product. The group meetings also played a very important role as it allows us to make sure that we are up to date with all the deadlines and allows us to plan what we need to do for each task. This helped us as a group as it ensured that we had lots of different and fresh ideas for each part of our music video and ancillarys. Each member of the group went off and did their own individual research into the dance genre and other aspects of the music video, we then fedback our ideas to the rest of the group in the group meetings.

As a group I believe that we functioned well together as we successfully matched all of the deadlines and managed to work well together in our group meetings. We was all clear about what we had to do after each meeting, this made it easier for us to create our music video and ancillarys. Furthermore I believe that we communicated very well as a group, informing eachother about when we should meet up to film etc. This meant that the filming of our music video was quite smooth overall.

To be done by
By whom
To decide on an artist and a song
All group members
Various ideas were discussed and a mindmap was created by the group. Eventually we decided on creating a music video by…and the song…..
Wrote a letter to our chosen artists record label, asking for permission to recreate the music video.
All group members
As our artist belongs to two record labels we discussed which one we were going to write too.
We annotated our lyrics to find out what we could incorporate into our music video.
All group members
We discussed what lines had a deeper meaning and created ideas which we could represent throughout our recreation.
We decided on the mise-en-scene we would use for each scene.
All group members, however did individual posts.
We discussed what the conventional locations and iconography would be for each scene within our music video.
We decided on the different camera angles we were to use for each scene.
All members, however did individual posts.
We discussed which camera angles were most effective for the scene.
We decided on how we wanted out artist to be represented.
All members, however individual posts.
We discussed what our artist would wear and look in order to attract our target audience.
We decided on what editing styles we would use throughout our music video.
All members, however individual posts.
We discussed what editing styles were most effective in order to build a relationship between the music and visuals.
We created storyboards in sequence and chronological order of our planned music video.
All members, however individual posts.
We discussed many different aspects of our music video eg; iconography, setting, editing.
We made up a schedule of when we were going to film our music video.
All members, however individual posts.
We discussed what times we were available to film certain scenes of our music video and planned what days we would film at each setting.
We created a risk assessment for the filming of our music video.
All members, however individual posts.
We came up with specific accidents that could possibly occur during our filming and assessed how we could avoid them and what we would do if they did occur.
We filmed our music video.
All members.
On four different occasions we filmed at different settings the footage, which we used in our music video.
We created a photoshoot post including different photos captured during the filming of the music video.
All members, however individual posts.
We selected different pictures from the footage we had taken and analysed why they were conventional to our genre and how they would appeal to our target audience.
We planned our group digipak.
All members, however individual posts.
We combined our ideas as well as ideas we got through inspiration from existing digipaks from artists within our genre.
We planned our group magazine advert.
All members, however individual posts.
We combined ideas to create a magazine advert for our artist album release.
We created our music video rough cut.
All members.
We edited all the clips and material by cropping them and adding transitions in order to create a rough cut for our music video.


  1. This post demonstrates some evidence of group planning. It is clear to see that you have started to consider the style of a music video that you intend to create. However, you need to ensure that you also include evidence of the other planning sheets that you and your group have done, to demonstrate further planning techniques.

  2. The group meeting table that you have included helps to demonstrate further evidence of you and your group working well together.

    However, you still need to include evidence of your group planning sheets.
