Sunday 16 November 2014

Risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

It is important to do a risk assessment when it comes to filming my music video as the safety of all group members should be put first. Creating a risk assessment will allow us to keep all risks under control whilst filming. A risk assessment also allows us to prepare for any hazards that may take place.

The risk assessment will help us as a group when it comes to filming as we will all be well aware of the risks and hazards that could occur. As a result of this we will be able to make sure we minimalise the chances of these risks occurring. This will mean we will be able to concentrate on the filming of our music video. 

Description of hazard
Prevention of hazard
Knocking into pedestrians.
Film in a non-built up area or make it very obvious to pedestrians so they can avoid you. 
Falling onto train track.
Film well away from the track and ensure you take extra precaution when having to film near train.
Dropping camera when filming handheld shots.
Ensure that you are using the strap attached to the camera when filming shots which don’t require to tri-pod
Slipping in rain.
Being extra careful when moving especially when carrying equipment.
Falling down stairs.
Moving very slowly and being extra careful.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering the purpose of a filming schedule, but you also need to ensure that you have fully explored all your risks, especially your club scenes.
