Thursday 20 November 2014

Photo shoot - Miss Miller.

For our music video we had to take a variety of pictures of our artist. We will be using these images on our digipak and magazine advert to appeal to the target audience and fans of the artist. It is important that we take effective and powerful images of our artist because they will be used to entice the audience to purchase the album. It is also important that we have a variety of pictures as we need to make sure each one is eye catching and will appeal to the audience. 

We chose to take this particular image of our artist for our digipak and magazine advert. I feel that this is a very powerful image of our artist as he is looking directly at the camera meaning that the audience can engage with him more and therefore feel more of a relationship with him. The use of a baseball cap and sunglasses in this image makes the picture very conventional to the music genre as both pieces of iconography are related to the dance genre. These are both conventional as DJ's often wear these accessories to protect their eyes from strobe lighting when performing. Furthermore the artist is showing little emotion which make him seem mysterious to the target audience, urging them to find out more about the artist. The picture is also taken on a plain white background, thus making the artist stand out even more which means he is more eye catching to the target audience. The red baseball cap contrasts very well with the black t shirt, suggesting that the artist is original but also passionate. Furthermore the "Bulls" baseball cap connotes that he is a strong and courageous artist, this will appeal to the audience. In this image our artist is represented as being cool through the use of fashionable iconography such as the baseball cap and glasses. This makes him more desirable for the target audience, making them want to purchase his work. It also means that his identity is concealed, presenting him as a mysterious character and making the audience want to find out more about him buy purchasing his album. 

This image is similar to the first picture we took and also is very powerful as the artist is looking directly down the 
camera allowing the audience to create a relationship with them. This also draws the audience to purchase the product as the image is very powerful. We would include this image in both our digipak and our magazine advert as it is one of our strongest images. The editing that we have done to this image makes it very conventional to the dance genre as it looks very futuristic and technological, which are both conventions of the dance genre. This makes our artist very conventional to the dance genre, which is likely to persuade fans of the genre to purchase the album. Again we have included a baseball cap and sunglasses to make the image conventional to the genre and also add the element of mystery that could persuade the audience to find out more about the artist. I like this photo a lot as it stands out and is unique compared to other images. I also feel that it will attract the target audience very effectively. Again this represents my artist as a powerful and appealing character, however the edit makes him seem much more futuristic, making him conventional to the dance genre. I will be using this image in both my digipak and magazine advert as I believe it is the strongest and most conventional image that I have taken.

We chose to take this image as it shows our artist doing what he does best. This would be used in our digipaks as it is more of a detailed image and could be used on the same cover as the message to the fans. I feel that this image is very effective as it shows our artist as a DJ which is what he is most recognised for, therefore it is likely to attract the target audience and fans of the dance genre. This is also a very conventional image to the dance genre as the artist is wearing headphones which is an accessory heavily related to the dance genre. The use of headphones also signifies to the audience that the artist is a DJ and this therefore suggests to them what will be in the album and that it belongs to the genre of dance. Furthermore the edit on this image makes it seem even more conventional to the dance genre as it is although the audience is in the club looking at him and the blur effect suggests they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which are both conventions of the dance genre. I also believe that this image will help the audience build a relationship with the artist as they can see that he is a professional and this will urge them to idolise him. 

Finally we have this image of our artist not looking at the camera. This image gives us another option for our digipaks and magazine advert, meaning we will have more of a variety. I like this image as it gives the audience a different perspective of our artist as he is looking into the distance. This portrays our artist in a different light compared to our other powerful images. It portrays him as being more human and suggests that he is thinking about something, thus making him more relatable to the audience. This shot is not as conventional as the other images we have taken, however it still includes the baseball cap which makes it slightly conventional to the dance genre. Furthermore the fact that he is wearing the baseball cap suggests to the audience that its his trademark as he is wearing it in previous images. This makes him more recognisable to the audience and keeps our images consistent throughout. 

I believe that as a group we used the photo shoot task very well to attract our audience to purchasing the product. I feel that we conveyed the artist as being very powerful which will appeal to the target audience and urge them to idolise him. Furthermore I believe that we used the images effectively in order to create a relationship with the audience as it is easy for them to relate to him as he is looking directly at them in many of the images. Looking back I believe that we could have included more of a variety of images in our photo shoot as some of them are quite similar and the audience may want to see different types of images. 

As individuals in our group we will each use these images to create our own digipaks and magazine adverts for our album. We will then analyse what is good about each of ours and then combine them into one digipak and one magazine advert. This will ensure that we have an effective digipak and magazine advert to attract our target audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your photoshoot, clearly explaining what your thoughts were when taking each picture and where you intended to use them and why.

    You need to:
    1) Think carefully about how the artist is represented in each picture and how this appeals to an audience - explain WHY things are conventional of the genre, don't just say they are
    2) Explain why you will use certain pictures in either your advert or digipak
    3) Analyse one more image (must include all images discussed)
